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September 16, 2023
hollow nine and sashing from Making A Lather

I have time with my rainbow scrap challenge sewing, this month, to start assembly for my hollow nine quilt. I decided I wanted to cut a 2 inch strip for each of the sashings. I have 27 blocks, and my goal was 25, so I am good to go. I was able to add sashings to all the blocks at my Friday sew. They are such colorful blocks. I really like them together.

I put 2 rows together and then, thought, I better lay them all out, and, decide on color placement, before I move on with more rows. I ...

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September 13, 2023
snails trail again from Making A Lather

Oh, how I love making these. They are just a project that I keep for comfort and happiness sewing. Someday, there will be a quilt. But, for now, I just love making these.

As we traveled to 2 great quilt shows last week, I noticed our lovely Indiana farmland. I live in a flat portion of Indiana, I sure think it pretty every season of the year. On the way to Lafayette, there are more rolling fields with corn ready to harvest. We saw amber waves of corn. How nice....

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September 12, 2023
spoolin around progress from Making A Lather

All of the spool blocks are restitched, and, I am ready to officially begin the assembly of the quilt. This is an exciting part of quilting. Making an on point quilt one row at a time, is very satisfying....until the center haha. There is seam matching every three inches.

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September 9, 2023
rsc hollow from Making A Lather

Not much aqua sewing for the rainbow scrap challenge. I injured my finger over labor day ( no doctors available), and, we have spent a week without the internet. And, I may or may not have had a grumpy cat attitude. But, I have been thinking about next year.

I have 5 ideas and only 1 that I am sure I want to make. Of course, as soon as I see everyone else's projects I will be inspired. I think I want to do bonnie Hunter's sugar grove for my rsc project. As part of the 5 quilt project ...

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September 6, 2023
little bits from Making A Lather

I am just making bits and bobbles while I work on my spools quilt.

9 patch on point - top
monkey wrench - bottom

lil beauty baskets - top
4 patches for strip tease - bottom

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September 2, 2023
lucky star from Making A Lather

I have not had the internet for three days - blah and I ran the longarm through my finger... on my anniversry. yes it hurt. sigh

I used aqua scraps for lucky star blocks. 

I don't have as many aqua scraps this year. hmmm

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September 1, 2023
wensleydale top one monthly goal from Making A Lather

This has been a long time project. Well, it seems that way. It became part of my 5 quilt UFO project in March. I had 10 cut in April. I had 5 made in May.  I made more blocks in June. All the blocks were made in July  And the top is made in August. Jen didn't border hers, but, I am worried if I don't do something, it will be hard to have the binding meet the points on the edges. decisions..decisions...decisions

I am pleased with the look of the top. I am not excited ...

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August 28, 2023
more spoolin around from Making A Lather

2 weeks ago, I opened the spoolin around leader/ ender ufo from 2013. I discovered that some of the blocks were not pieced right.

first, I took the halves apart, so, I could just switch the direction of the spools, but, then, I realized, that the individual spools needed work too. I took them all apart down to individual spools again. I made these 10 years ago, and, my skills were not as good as they are now. I knew I could do better, and, I did.

Now, that they are blocks, again, I can begin to make rows.

I ...

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August 26, 2023
lucky star from Making A Lather

 I have lucky star blocks finished for the rainbow scrap challenge. I think that is everything for yellow and the month of August. I think the only color I still need is turquoise.

And our sunflowers have been lovely this year

I am looking forward to an open sew today. Have a great weekend.

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August 19, 2023
yellow scraps from Making A Lather

I cut and sewed a little bit of yellow this week for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I made 9 patches for diffusion which is done in fall colors. I might add a few brown later this year, and, then, count, and recalculate what I need.

diffusion - quilted twins

I made the pieces, I will need for my older ufos- garlic knots and box kite. The blocks are done, but, the borders and sashings are small pieces that I have cut along the way this year, with the color of the month. It's hard to believe it ...

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August 18, 2023
spoolin around from Making A Lather

spoolin around was the second quiltville leader/ ender challenge in 2013. I was excited when I opened the ufo box, to see I had all the spool blocks (648) in blocks of 4, ready to assemble. But, oh wait, many of them were put together wrong. It matters if the blocks are all arranged the same LOL. I can't move on with this project unless, I take them all apart. I am having fun revisiting all these scraps from a few years ago. I did put together a few of the short rows with the correct blocks. I think ...

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August 12, 2023
hollow nine and fish school from Making A Lather

Yellow is officially my favorite color. I find it a difficult color to like in fabric. Pops of it are fun in any scrappy quilt, but, finding a consistent dependable yellow seems difficult. I will keep trying. I made hollow nine blocks and fish school blocks for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy.

hollow nine

I did a final count for fish school blocks, and, I have enough blocks for the pattern kismet from quiltville. I had made the string blocks earlier. But, I forgot at the time, that, I had made them for the pattern. I used a ...

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August 5, 2023
girlie girl finish from Making A Lather

 I started this older ufo in February as a side project for the rainbow scrap challenge. The color of the month was pink. I made it this far by the end of February, and, decided to use it each month, if I finished the regular color of the month projects. I had rows by the end of March. I had a top by the end of June.

It is finally quilted and bound. 

46 x 50 = 7 yards

My July PHD report

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rsc23 super saturday


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TGIFF different   

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July 29, 2023
red nines from Making A Lather

I have neglected my rsc quilt diffussion for a few months. I almost forgot to look at the list, again, this month, to realize that I need red 9 patches for it, too. I did a quick search through my red 2 inch strips and found several shorter pieces. I was able to make 25 or so 9 patches and I think that is the end of red for me and the rainbow scrap challenge this month.

Diffusion is a quilted twins free pattern that is simple 9 patches. I am cutting in fall colors with 2 inch strips. The ...

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July 26, 2023
snails trail again from Making A Lather

After finishing my one one monthly goal for July - rectangle wrangle blocks, I rewarded my self with fun sewing on my ongoing snail trail blocks with shirting fabric. It looks like I have been adding to this project sine 2021. I really enjoy making these  blocks, and, look forward to sewing them any chance I can get. But, they are an 'extra' project and have to wait until I can reward my self with the pleasure.

I finished some

and I started another batch of blocks

I also played with little monkey wrench blocks. so fun

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July 22, 2023
stars in red from Making A Lather

 I have my lucky stars done in red for the rainbow scrap challenge. July is red month. I only need 2 more colors for this project and I will be ready to start the assembly process.

And just a happy coincidence, I finished Saturday soire quilt this week which happens to be a red and white quilt. 

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July 10, 2023
strip tease progress from Making A Lather

strip tease pattern from sentimental stitches is a new project with my quilting buddy. I have bits and pieces for this for awhile. I showed it to Linda and she decided to join me getting this done. We both have the pattern and have started sewing the pieces. She is making hers in blues. I am doing all colors scrappy. I am cutting and making by color. I was sure I would be bored cutting it all or sewing it all, so, I do a few in each color and I am happy. I have done blue, red, green, and ...

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July 8, 2023
hollow 9 blocks from Making A Lather

I made red hollow nine patch for my rainbow scrap challenge, and the flowers starts, I want for the applique. I really like these in red.

Since red is the color for July, I made 48 flying geese blocks in red for my strip tease quilt project.

red is my favorite sunbonnet sue in an old quilt I have

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July 7, 2023
checkered past finish from Making A Lather

checkered past is finished. It is made using recycled shirt fabric from thrift store shirts.  checkered past is a free pattern from quilted twins. There are only 16 blocks which doesn't sound like very many, but there 48 squares around each center. that's 960 squares. The block is 16 1/2.

64 x 88 =18 yards

I used leftover pieces for the border

I used navy binding and free form swirls quilting

This will be a donation to our local veterans home                                                                                 

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TGIFF different   

please consider signing up to host ...

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July 1, 2023
fish school blocks from Making A Lather

I started the red month of the rainbow scrap challenge, by cutting and making fish school blocks. I have over 200 for the Bonnie Hunter quilt called kismet. I really like making them. Making these, I find interesting 2 1/2 inch squares that are alone and unwanted in my 2 1/2 inch square box. poor babies. I have a place yo use them.

I found pieces in red for monkey wrench blocks.

I am just getting started with red. There should be plenty of scraps for fun this month,

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